Disgust-based approach-avoidance modification training for individuals suffering from elevated stress: A randomized controlled pilot study

Source : Stress and Health.
In the present study (conducted 2020–2022), we aimed to clarify whether the efficacy of AAMTs can be enhanced by utilizing the expression of emotions to move AAMT stimuli.

Healing the Heart of Healthcare

Source : JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration.
Healthcare workers continue to work without fully processing the stress of the pandemic on their overall health. Outcomes of stress include workplace burnout, low morale, and an increase in suicide rates. At Huntington Hospital, a need was identified to give caregivers an opportunity to grieve and process their experiences. Healing the Heart of Healthcare was a formal intervention that provided acknowledgment of trauma and reinstated a sense of hope to the profession. The activities in this program may be duplicated in other celebrations such as Nurses Day recognition.

An Organizational Leadership Development Approach to Support Health Worker Mental Health

Source : American Journal of Public Health.
Coming at a time when burnout rates were already high, the COVID-19 pandemic physically and mentally further stressed our nation’s health care workforce, leading to record levels of burnout, moral distress, and moral injury. In response, Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy released an advisory on building a thriving health workforce in 2022 with the specific aim of targeting health worker burnout to improve health and well-being and strengthen the nation’s public health infrastructure. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra said, “We owe all health workers—from doctors to hospital custodial staff—an enormous debt. And as we can clearly see and hear throughout this Surgeon General’s Advisory, they’re telling us what our gratitude needs to look like: real support and systemic change that allows them to continue serving to the best of their abilities.”

AJPH Highlights Health Worker Mental Health

Source : CDC
The American Journal of Public Health recently published a special supplement with 15 articles focusing on health worker mental health. This special issue of the journal was sponsored and edited by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and stems from the health worker mental health initiative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and NIOSH. Research indicates health workers experience high levels of physical injury, harassment, stress, and burnout and many health workers intend to leave their positions or the field altogether. Protecting and supporting health worker mental health has important implications for the nation’s health system and our public health infrastructure.

Occupational stressors and mental illness in healthcare work: An intersection between gender, race, and class

Source : American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
Cette étude visait à évaluer les effets directs et indirects du sexe, de la race, de la classe sociale et des facteurs de stress professionnel sur la santé mentale.

New online learning tool helps businesses address work-related stress

Source : HSE
Créé dans le cadre de la campagne Working Minds du HSE, qui promeut une bonne santé mentale sur le lieu de travail, le nouvel outil fournit les conseils simples et efficaces dont les employeurs ont besoin pour agir et commencer à comprendre comment inclure le stress dans leurs évaluations des risques sur le lieu de travail. Il est composé de six modules courts qui guident les employeurs à travers des scénarios quotidiens et réalistes, comme la façon de reconnaître les signes de stress chez les individus et les équipes, tels que les retards réguliers au travail, le repli sur soi et un taux de rotation du personnel plus élevé.

The impact of COVID-19 on the mental health and well-being of ambulance care professionals: A rapid review

Source : PLOS ONE.
L’objectif de cette étude était de mieux comprendre a) quels types de résultats sanitaires ont été mesurés en relation avec l’impact du COVID-19 chez les ambulanciers, et b) de déterminer l’impact réel sur ces résultats.

An assessment of organizational well-being, organizational health, and work-related stress: A cross-sectional study of nurses involved with COVID-19 interventions

Source : Work.
Les infirmières ont été affectées par le stress et ont développé de nombreuses conséquences au cours de la crise sanitaire provoquée par la pandémie de SRAS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Il est essentiel que les organismes de soins de santé protègent leurs ressources humaines parce qu’elles ne sont pas en mesure de faire face au stress.