The Factors That Influence Chemotherapy Exposure Among Nurses: An Integrative Review

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
Exposure to chemotherapy is an occupational hazard predisposing nurses to severe health effects. The purpose of this integrative review was to identify the recent literature describing the risk factors for occupational exposure to chemotherapy among nurses.

Examining the Nurse Manager Practice Environment Effects on Burnout: Results of a Cross-sectional Multisite Study

Source : JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration.
This study examined the relationships between the dimensions of the nurse manager practice environment and burnout. Understanding the degree to which their practice environment characteristics impact their level of burnout is important to nursing manager retention.

Experiences of Frontline Managers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations for Organizational Resilience

Source : Healthcare.
The purpose of this paper was to examine frontline managers’ experiences and organizational leadership responses that activated organizational resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to learn for ongoing and future responses to healthcare crises.

Vital Signs: Health Worker-Perceived Working Conditions and Symptoms of Poor Mental Health – Quality of Worklife Survey, United States, 2018-2022

Source : MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report.
Health workers faced overwhelming demands and experienced crisis levels of burnout before the COVID-19 pandemic; the pandemic presented unique challenges that further impaired their mental health.

Foot and Ankle Disorders in Nurses Exposed to Prolonged Standing Environments : A Scoping Review

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
Cette étude exploratoire visait à synthétiser les principaux troubles observés sur les chevilles et les pieds des infirmières, leur prévalence, l’influence du nombre d’heures passées à marcher ou à se tenir debout, et les différences entre les sexes.

Preserving the Bedside Nurse: Grip Strength and Orthopedic Problems Among Nurses and Nursing Students

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
L’objectif de cette étude était d’explorer la relation entre la force de préhension et les blessures ou douleurs orthopédiques chez les infirmières et les étudiantes en soins infirmiers.

Nurse Anesthesia Diversion Prevention: A Knowledge and Needs Gap Analysis

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
L’objectif de ce projet était de sensibiliser au détournement de médicaments et l’abus de substances, d’éduquer les prestataires à l’importance de ce problème de santé au travail, de mettre en œuvre de nouveaux protocoles et politiques, et de développer de nouvelles méthodes pour lutter contre cette épidémie qui touche le système de soins de santé et le pays.

On the Restorative Break: Understanding the Role of Break Room Design on Nurse Engagement and Satisfaction

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
Cette étude décrit un processus d’examen de l’emplacement et des commodités des espaces où les prestataires de soins directs peuvent prendre des pauses réparatrices.

Nurses’ Short-Term Sickness Absences Before and After the Implementation of a Brief Napping Opportunity During Night Shifts

Source : Journal of the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare.
L’objectif principal de l’hôpital en mettant en place des siestes nocturnes était de réduire la somnolence et la fatigue des infirmières, et c’est pourquoi les pratiques de sieste étaient recommandées.