Nanomatériaux : définition, identification et caractérisation des matériaux et des expositions professionnelles associées
Source : Hygiène et sécurité au travail.
Nanomaterials are now found in a wide range of work environments. Manufactured, they are used in many industrial applications. As by-products of certain thermal and mechanical processes, they make up the very diverse family of ultrafine particles. Regardless of their origins, nanomaterials can have potential toxic effects on workers in the short or long term. This dossier, which does not deal with health effects (see INRS brochure ED 6050), aims to take stock of the issue of the definition of nanomaterials and the methodologies to be implemented to characterize and identify them, in order to build a better prevention of associated risks. Several campaigns to measure exposure to nanomaterials, carried out during different industrial activities, are then presented, highlighting the need to adapt prevention measures to the processes and nanomaterials implemented or emitted. Based on the analysis of this work, a reflection on the need to establish occupational exposure limit values (OELVs) specific to nanomaterials in France is proposed.