Source avec lien : American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 65(7). 10.1002/ajim.23364
Les réactions de santé associées aux expositions professionnelles peuvent varier entre les hommes et les femmes. Objectifs Cette étude a examiné les risques d’accidents du travail et d’invalidité associés à des types similaires d’expositions professionnelles pour les hommes et les femmes au sein et entre les professions.
Background Health responses associated with occupational exposures can vary between men and women. Aims This study reviewed the work injury and disability risks associated with similar types of occupational exposures for men and women within and across occupations. Materials & Methods A systematic review was undertaken of observational studies published between 2009 and 2019. Studies were required to empirically compare men and women for associations between occupational exposures and work injury or disability outcomes. Included studies were appraised for methodological quality and medium to high rated studies were compared for risk differences between men and women. Results Of 14,006 records identified, 440 articles were assessed for methodological quality, and 33 medium to high rated studies were included and reviewed. Among all occupations, the association between physical exposures, job demands, noise, and repetitive tasks, and injury risk were stronger among men. The relationship between repetitive tasks and sickness absence was stronger among women. Most studies examining psychological exposures found no risk differences for men and women across occupations. Men were at higher injury risk in certain occupations in primary and secondary industry sectors involving physical exposures and some chemical/biological exposures. Women were at higher injury risk for the physical demands and repetitive tasks of health care and aluminum production occupations. Conclusion This review found that men and women can have different work injury and disability risks, both across and within the same occupations, for some physical exposures and to a lesser extent for some chemical and biological exposures. These differences might be a result of occupation-specific task differences.