Analysis of the Psychosocial Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Nursing Staff of the Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Spain

Source avec lien : Healthcare, 10(5). 10.3390/healthcare10050796

L’urgence de santé publique, causée par le COVID-19, a entraîné un fort épuisement physique et mental chez les travailleurs de la santé. Cette recherche a été conçue dans le but de décrire l’impact psychosocial de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les infirmières travaillant dans les unités de soins intensifs (USI) et d’identifier les facteurs de risque associés.

(1) The public health emergency, caused by COVID-19, has resulted in strong physical and mental exhaustion in healthcare workers. This research has been designed with the aim to describe the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses working in intensive care units (ICU) and identify the related risk factors. (2) This is a cross-sectional study, in which a self-administered questionnaire was designed to cover the dimensions of interest associated with psychosocial factors during the pandemic and their factor risks. (3) A total of 456 nursing professionals participated, and 88.4% were women. Most of the professionals had a temporary contract (71.3%) and person at risk close to them (88.8%). Regarding psychosocial factors, there was a worsening in most of the associated variables, especially in sleep problems, anxiety, stress, and job performance. Female nurses were more prone to anxiety. Those under 30, as well as those with temporary contracts, were more unfocused. Professionals with a person at risk in their environment felt much more worried. The degree of exposure was associated with greater fear. (4) Those nurses who were female, younger, and with a temporary employment contract were shown to be more vulnerable to the impact of the pandemic on their psychosocial health. Because of this, it is necessary to adopt effective strategies for the protection of nurses’ health, focusing on the specific risk factors identified.

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