Work-related demands and resources as predictors of well-being at work among health care workers in Switzerland

Source avec lien : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, (En ligne). 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002885

L’objectif était d’examiner les effets des exigences et des ressources liées au travail sur le bien-être au travail des employés des hôpitaux suisses.

Objective  The aim was to examine the effects of work-related demands and resources on well-being at work among employees in Swiss hospitals. Methods  Self-reported survey data from 1’840 employees of six hospitals/clinics were analyzed using multivariate linear regression analyses (all professions included). Results  Of all demands, work-life imbalance had the strongest negative effect on well-being at work. The most relevant resource varied depending on the dimension of well-being: for job satisfaction it was good leadership, for work engagement job decision latitude and for satisfaction with relationships at work social support at work. The resources were more relevant for well-being at work than the demands. They also buffered against the negative effects of the demands. Conclusion  In order to enhance well-being at work in hospitals, it is necessary to enable a good work-life balance and to strengthen work-related resources.

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