Occupational Health Informatics

Source avec lien : Occupational Medicine, 73(4), 2023-05-01. 10.1093/occmed/kqad023

L’informatique clinique a pour mission d’acheminer les bonnes informations sanitaires au bon endroit et au bon moment, comme le fait une société de livraison en ligne, puis de faciliter la traduction de cet ensemble de données en informations sanitaires compréhensibles et significatives.

Extract: Access to occupational health services is fragmented with the outcomes of service provision rarely collated and reported. Resources are scarce; budgets and national economies stretched. Making the right management decisions is a skill with various considerations but requires relevant and accurate information. Getting the right health information to the right place, at the right time like an online delivery company delivers packages, then facilitating the translation of that data package into understandable and meaningful health information is the work of clinical informatics.

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