Assessment of the Anxiety Level of Andalusian Podiatrists during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Increase Phase

Source avec lien : Healthcare, 8(4), 2020-12. 10.3390/healthcare8040432

L’objectif de l’étude est d’évaluer dans un groupe de podologues, travaillant au niveau national, leurs connaissances, leur perception et leur degré d’anxiété liés à la pandémie COVID-19, grâce à l’utilisation d’un questionnaire spécifiquement développé à cet effet dans la phase initiale de la pandémie. Nous avons utilisé une étude descriptive transversale avec 302 participants, avec une technique d’échantillonnage intentionnel. Le degré de perception et de connaissance des podologues sur COVID-19 a été analysé ainsi que l’impact cognitif de la situation de confinement.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is caused by SARS-CoV-2 and represents the causative agent of a potentially fatal disease that is of great global public health concern. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease produced by the coronavirus family. The World Health Organization declared the disease a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Podiatrists are in a peculiar situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic: that of a health professional aspect and the singularity that most of them practise as self-employed workers. The aim of the study is to evaluate in a group of podiatrists, working at a national level, their knowledge, perception and degree of anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic via the use of a questionnaire specifically developed to this end in the initial phase of the pandemic. We employed a transversal descriptive study with 302 participants, with a purposive sampling technique. The degree of perception and knowledge of the podiatrists about COVID-19 was analysed as well as the cognitive impact of the situation of confinement. The results showed that the podiatrists perceive this situation as serious at the economic and health level, that they have a thorough knowledge of the disease and that they are in a moderate to severe percentile of anxiety. Additionally, 76.2% cancelled their usual work. The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively perceived by this group of podiatrists at the personal, professional, health and economic level, with even a state of anxiety being produced.

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