Anxiety and work stress among newly employed nurses during the first year of a residency programme: A longitudinal study

Source avec lien : Journal of Nursing Management, (Prépublication), 8/3/2020. 10.1111/jonm.13114

Objectif Explorer les changements en matière d’anxiété et de stress au travail chez les nouvelles infirmières au cours de la première année d’un programme de résidence de deux ans. Contexte Peu d’études ont examiné l’anxiété et le stress au travail des nouvelles infirmières dans le cadre d’un programme de résidence. Méthodes Cette étude longitudinale a examiné les niveaux d’anxiété et de stress au travail chez les infirmières nouvellement employées sur une période d’un an, à une semaine et à 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 et 12 mois. Les participants ont été échantillonnés à dessein dans un centre médical de Taïwan. Le Beck Anxiety Inventory et la Nurse Stress Checklist ont été utilisés pour mesurer l’anxiété et le stress, respectivement.

Aim To explore changes in anxiety and work stress among new nurses in the first year of a 2-year residency programme. Background Few studies have examined the anxiety and work stress of new nurses in a residency programme. Methods This longitudinal study examined levels of anxiety and work stress among newly employed nurses over 1 year at 1 week and 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Participants were purposively sampled from a medical centre in Taiwan. The Beck Anxiety Inventory and the Nurse Stress Checklist were used to measure anxiety and stress, respectively. Results The nurses (N = 200) generally perceived mild levels of anxiety and moderate work stress. However, anxiety and stress peaked at the first and second months. Levels stabilized by the sixth month. General ward nurses perceived higher stress levels than did those in emergency or operating rooms. Conclusions Stress and work anxiety for new nurses peaked at 1–2 months of employment. Implications for Nursing Management Nurse managers, preceptors and educators must work together with newly employed nurses in individualized learning and support, doing so to improve the transition experience and reduce levels of work stress and anxiety.

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