Sleepiness and safety at work among night shift NHS nurses

Source avec lien : Occupational Medicine, 71(9). 10.1093/occmed/kqab137

La somnolence associée au travail de nuit est connue pour avoir des effets négatifs sur la santé et le bien-être des travailleurs. Elle a été associée à des résultats négatifs en matière de sécurité et est reconnue comme un risque professionnel chez les travailleurs de la santé. Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer la prévalence de la somnolence autodéclarée chez les infirmières et les sages-femmes travaillant la nuit. Cette étude a également exploré les conséquences de la somnolence sur la sécurité au travail et au volant.

Sleepiness associated with night shift working (NSW) is known to adversely affect workers’ health and well-being. It has been associated with adverse safety outcomes and is a recognized workplace hazard among healthcare workers.This study was aimed to assess the prevalence of self-reported sleepiness in NSW nurses and midwives. This study also explored the consequences of sleepiness on safety at work and driving.A cross-sectional study of NSW nurses and midwives was conducted at an National Health Service (NHS) hospital trust from 16 March 2020 to 1 June 2020. Data were collected by online questionnaire and included information on demographics, shift work and safety aspects. Sleepiness was assessed with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS).Data collection coincided with the first coronavirus pandemic peak in England. Out of 1985 eligible NSW nurses and midwives, 229 participated in the study, with a response rate of 12%. The prevalence of sleepiness was 28%. Following a night shift, 49% of nurses reported nodding off at the wheel and 44% reported a near-miss car accident in past 12 months. An abnormal ESS score was significantly associated with near-miss car accidents (odds ratio [OR] 2.75, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.31–5.77) and with low confidence in undertaking complex tasks at night (OR 2.64, 95% CI 1.20–5.84).More than a quarter of NSW nurses and midwives reported excessive daytime sleepiness although, due to the low response rate, this may not be representative. Adverse driving events were common. Elevated ESS scores correlated well with safety issues relating to work and driving.

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