Factors associated with residents’ responsive behaviours towards staff in long-term care homes: A systematic review

Source avec lien : The Gerontologist, (Prépublication). 10.1093/geront/gnac016

Lorsque le personnel est confronté à des comportements réactifs de la part des résidents, cela peut entraîner une diminution de la qualité de vie au travail et une baisse de la qualité des soins dans les maisons de soins de longue durée. Nous avons synthétisé les recherches sur les facteurs associés aux comportements réactifs des résidents à l’égard du personnel soignant et les caractéristiques des interventions visant à réduire ces comportements.Nous avons effectué une revue systématique à méthodes mixtes avec des recherches quantitatives et qualitatives.

When staff experience responsive behaviors from residents, this can lead to decreased quality of work-life and lower quality of care in long-term care homes. We synthesised research on factors associated with resident responsive behaviours directed towards care staff and characteristics of interventions to reduce the behaviours.We conducted a mixed-methods systematic review with quantitative and qualitative research. We searched 12 bibliographic databases and “grey” literature, using two keywords (long-term care, responsive behaviours) and their synonyms. Pairs of reviewers independently completed screening, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment. We developed a coding scheme using the ecological model as an organising structure and prepared narrative summaries for each factor.From 86 included studies (57 quantitative, 28 qualitative, 1 mixed methods), multiple factors emerged, such as staff training background (individual level); staff approaches to care (interpersonal level); leadership and staffing resources (institutional level); and racism and patriarchy (societal level). Quantitative and qualitative results each provided key insights, such as qualitative results pertaining to leadership responses to reports of behaviours, and quantitative findings on the impact of staff approaches to care on behaviours. Effects of interventions (n=14) to reduce the behaviours were inconclusive.We identified the need for enhanced understanding of the interrelationships among factors associated with resident responsive behaviours towards staff and processes leading to the behaviours. To address these gaps and to inform theory-based effective interventions for preventing or mitigating responsive behaviours, we suggest intervention studies with systematic process evaluations.

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