Countering Unprofessional Behaviors Among Nurses in the Workplace

Cet article étudie l’influence du leadership dit authentique et de la perception de soutien organisationnel sur l’intimidation en milieu de travail parmi un échantillon d’infirmières auxiliaires.


OBJECTIVE: This study investigates the association of authentic leadership (AL) and perceived organizational support to workplace bullying among a sample of licensed practical nurses (LPNs).

BACKGROUND: Workplace bullying is a serious problem in the workplace that harms nurses’ physical and psychological well-being.

METHODS: A cross-sectional survey design was implemented. A simple random sample of 855 was drawn from a population of 4306 LPNs in a single US Midwestern state. A total of 168 usable questionnaires were returned (19.65% response rate).

RESULTS: Forty-three percent of nurses experienced at least 2 negative behaviors on a weekly/daily basis; 12% self-identified as a victim. The moral component of AL was a major determinant of overall workplace bullying (β = −.59), person-related bullying (β = −.70), and physical intimidation (β = −.58). Perceived support was a major determinant of work-related bullying (β = −.40).

CONCLUSIONS: Organizational support initiatives and AL training for nurse leaders should be considered to reduce bullying.

FILIPOVA, Anna A., 2018. Countering Unprofessional Behaviors Among Nurses in the Workplace. Journal of Nursing Administration [en ligne]. octobre 2018. Vol. 48, n° 10, pp. 487. DOI 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000656.

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