A Systematic Review: Effectiveness of Interventions to De-escalate Workplace Violence against Nurses in Healthcare Settings

Source avec lien : Safety and Health at Work, (Prépublication), . 10.1016/j.shaw.2021.04.004

La violence au travail (VLT) est une source de préoccupation croissante dans le monde entier et les organisations de soins de santé ne font pas exception. Les infirmières peuvent être sujettes à toutes sortes de violence au travail en raison de leur position de première ligne dans les établissements de santé. L’objectif de cette étude systématique est d’identifier et d’examiner différentes interventions visant à réduire l’ampleur et la prévalence de la violence au travail à l’encontre du personnel infirmier.

Workplace violence (WPV) is an increasing cause of concern around the globe and healthcare organizations are no exception. Nurses may be subject to all kinds of workplace violence due to their frontline position in healthcare settings. The purpose of this systematic review is to identify and consider different interventions which aim to decrease the magnitude/prevalence of workplace violence against nurses. The standard method by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- Analyses (PRISMA, 2009) has been used to collect data and assess methodological quality. Altogether, twenty-six studies are included in the review. The intervention procedures they report on can be grouped into three categories: stand-alone trainings designed to educate nurses; more structured education programmes, which are broader in scope and often include opportunities to practice skills learned during the programme; multicomponent interventions, which often include organizational changes, such as the introduction of workplace violence reporting systems, in addition to workplace violence training for nurses. By comparing the findings, a clear picture emerges; while standalone training and structured education programmes can have a positive impact, the impact is unfortunately limited. In order to effectively combat workplace violence against nurses, healthcare organizations must implement multicomponent interventions, ideally involving all stakeholders.

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