Workplaces and COVID-19: Occupational Health and Safety Considerations for Reopening and Operating During the Pandemic

Source avec lien : CSA Group, septembre 2020.

Document en deux parties : la partie A présente un rapport de recherche détaillé qui fournit un résumé des directives existantes, de la littérature scientifique et des avis d’experts concernant la réouverture des lieux de travail et la SST pendant la pandémie COVID-19. La partie B fournit un document d’orientation fondé sur des données probantes que les lieux de travail peuvent utiliser pour informer sur les pratiques de travail sûres pendant la pandémie COVID-19. Le travail effectué à partir de ces documents peut être utilisé pour lancer l’élaboration d’une nouvelle norme canadienne axée sur les lieux de travail pendant une pandémie de maladie infectieuse.

WORKPLACES AND COVID-19: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS FOR REOPENING AND OPERATING DURING THE PANDEMIC5csagroup.orgThis document presents two separate but related pieces of work:Part A presents a detailed research report that provides a summary of existing guidelines, scientific literature, and expert opinion relevant to reopening workplaces and to occupational health and safety at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. This report is intended for those who want to better understand recommended practices, the evidence available, and areas where there is a need for more evidence before consensus can be reached. Part B provides an evidence-informed guidance document that workplaces can use to inform safe work practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. These practices are intended to support workplace parties in reopening safely and implementing ongoing occupational health and safety practices to protect workers from SARS-CoV-2. The work from these documents may be used to initiate the development of a new Canadian standard focused on workplaces during an infectious disease pandemic. This standard would be developed using an accredited standard development process, including the establishment of a dedicated technical committee, consensus-building processes, and a period of public review and comment.

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