Substance use disorder in the healthcare environment

Source avec lien : American Nurse, 16(2), .

Le trouble lié à l’utilisation de substances – une affection chronique, récurrente et potentiellement mortelle – se produit lorsque la consommation récurrente de substances nuit considérablement à la santé d’une personne et à sa capacité à assumer des responsabilités professionnelles, scolaires ou personnelles importantes. Ce groupe de troubles est classé comme léger, modéré ou grave en fonction du nombre de critères diagnostiques auxquels les individus répondent.

Substance use disorder (SUD)—a chronic, relapsing, potentially deadly condition—occurs when the recurrent use of substances significantly impairs an individual’s health and the ability to meet major vocational, academic, or personal responsibilities. This group of disorders is classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of diagnostic criteria individuals meet. The prevalence of SUD among healthcare workers is estimated to be similar to that of the general population. The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) reports that approximately 10% to 15% of all clinicians will misuse alcohol or other drugs during their careers; an 8% incidence is reported for nurses specifically. The high levels of anxiety and emotional distress experienced by healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the number who use alcohol or other drugs as coping mechanisms. Healthcare organizations must be prepared to address SUD among employees. Comprehensive diversion response programs (CDRPs) provide an effective, nonpunitive approach to identify, intervene, and support healthcare workers with SUD.

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