COVID-19 Recovery Preparation Assessment Checklist

Source avec lien : Joint Commission, 2020-08.

Le moment de commencer la préparation de la récupération COVID-19 dans l’environnement de soins est lorsque votre organisation est encore dans la phase de réponse. N’attendez pas que le gouvernement fédéral lève l’urgence nationale de santé publique ou que la Commission mixte prévoie votre prochaine enquête. Cette liste de contrôle fournit des suggestions concernant les questions que votre organisation devrait se poser pour préparer un retour à fonctionnement quasi normal et respect de la commission mixte et des centres de services Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) ainsi que les recommandations des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The time to begin COVID-19 recovery preparation in the environment of care is when your organization is still in the response phase. Don’t wait until the federal government lifts the national public health emergency or The Joint Commission schedules your next survey. This checklist provides suggestions regarding the questions your organization should be asking itself to prepare for a return to nearly normal operations and compliance with Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requirements as well as recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The checklist is not intended to be exhaustive, and its use is not a Joint Commission requirement. Moreover, most of the individual items in the checklist are suggested practices rather than Joint Commission requirements (which are indicated with the “TJC” abbreviation). Organizations should feel free to customize this checklist to their own needs and circumstances

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