Work experiences of Latino building cleaners: An exploratory study

Source avec lien : American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 62(7), 2019. 10.1002/ajim.22986

Cette étude s’est penchée sur la façon dont les immigrants latino-américains perçoivent le travail des nettoyeurs de bâtiments. Les résultats identifient trois thèmes principaux : la vulnérabilité économique, les facteurs de stress psychosociaux et les effets sur la santé et la sécurité. Bien que les travailleurs soient conscients des risques associés à leur travail, ils croient que leur statut d’immigrant limite leurs possibilités d’emploi et acceptent alors de mauvaises conditions de travail. Ils normalisent les blessures et les maladies liées au travail. Les résultats suggèrent que les interventions auprès de ces travailleurs devraient reconnaître les contextes organisationnels et psychosociaux hostiles dans lesquels les immigrants travaillent souvent.

Background There are roughly 3.8 million cleaning workers in the United States. The cleaning workforce is largely composed of women, immigrants, and ethnic minorities who receive low wages and have low education levels. They are exposed to physical, chemical, biological, and psychosocial hazards. Methods Qualitative methodology was used to investigate how Latino immigrants experience work as building cleaners. A grounded theory coding approach was used to analyze focus group data from 77 participants. Results Three major themes were identified: economic vulnerability, psychosocial stressors, and health and safety effects. Although workers are aware of the safety hazards associated with their jobs, they believe their immigration status limits employment opportunities leading them to accept poor working conditions. They work through injuries and cope psychologically through minimizing negative health impacts and normalizing work-related injuries and illnesses. Conclusions The findings suggest that interventions for these workers should recognize the hostile organizational and psychosocial contexts within which immigrants often work.

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