Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and management of work-related mental health conditions in general practice

Source : Monash University
Work related mental health conditions are the second most common cause of workers’ compensation, however, these conditions are typically challenging to diagnose and treat. In Australia, most injured workers seek care from their general practitioner (GP). Developed to assist GPs with the diagnosis and management of work-related mental health conditions, this guideline focuses on the following mental health conditions that may have arisen as a result of work : depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, adjustment disorder and substance use disorder. Documents include the full Guideline, which provides detail about the guideline development process, a summary of the evidence for each topic, recommendations and consensus statements, and further information to consider when implementing the recommendations; a short form guideline has also been developed which lists the detailed recommendations and practice points derived from the Guideline; and lastly a two page GP summary which provides a snapshot of the recommendations and consensus statements in the Guideline.

Management of the deceased bariatric/obese patient

Source : International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility (SPHM).
La cohorte croissante de patients bariatriques / obèses admis dans nos hôpitaux et mourants dans nos hôpitaux pose de nombreux problèmes aux méthodes de manipulation manuelle traditionnelles. Afin de protéger la dignité des patients bariatriques / obèses décédés dans notre organisation et de réduire les risques de blessures pour notre personnel et celui des services funéraires locaux lors de la récupération de ces patients, Bendigo Health a mis en place un protocole simple mais efficace et le matériel associé .