Psychological Health in Intensive Care Unit Health Care Workers after the COVID-19 Pandemic

Source avec lien : Healthcare, 10(11). 10.3390/healthcare10112201

Bien que la pandémie de COVID-19 ait eu un impact sur la population générale, les travailleurs de la santé (TS) ont constitué l’un des groupes les plus touchés par les risques associés, en raison des conséquences importantes sur leur santé mentale. Cette étude a examiné ces effets psychologiques sur les travailleurs de la santé qui se sont occupés de patients atteints de la maladie COVID-19 et admis dans l’unité de soins intensifs d’un hôpital italien.

Background: Although the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the general population, health care workers (HCWs) constituted one of the groups that were most adversely affected by the associated risks, owing to the significant consequences on their mental health. This study examined these psychological effects on HCWs who cared for COVID-19 patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit in an Italian hospital. Methods: Subjects were administered several self-reported questionnaires: Kessler 10 Psychological Distress Scale (K10), Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS), Impact of Event Scale Revised (IES-R), and Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), as well as two open-ended questions oriented toward understanding their positive and negative emotional experience and differentiating between two phases of the emergency. Results: Overall, 45% of HCWs showed medium-to-high anxiety/depressive symptoms, whereas 60% presented with medium-to-high levels of perceived stress. In addition, 37% of subjects developed symptoms of PTSD and 50% showed post-traumatic growth in the “appreciation of life” and “new possibilities” dimensions. With regard to the open-ended questions, three themes were identified: quality of workplace relationships, sense of emotional-relational competence, and sense of clinical-technical competence. In addition, two macrocategories of responses were identified in the answers: growth and block. Conclusions: The mental health of HCWs who are involved in the front line of COVID-19 was significantly impacted by this experience, showing high levels of post-traumatic stress and anxiety and depressive symptoms more than 1 year after the emergency began. A qualitative analysis of staff experiences can be a useful guide for structuring interventions and prevention.

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