Preventing musculoskeletal disorders in a large hospital through staff involvement and an age-sensitive approach

Source avec lien : EU-OSHA, 2022-07.

Le travail des quelque 600 employés de soutien âgés de l’hôpital universitaire de Vienne, le plus grand hôpital d’Autriche, est physiquement éprouvant. Un nouvel environnement de travail conçu pour s’adapter à cette main-d’œuvre vieillissante était nécessaire. Avec l’implication et la participation des travailleurs, l’hôpital a introduit des mesures telles que des chaises ergonomiques pour le transfert des patients afin de prévenir les troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS).

The work of some 600 older support staff at University Hospital Vienna, the largest hospital in Austria, is physically strenuous. A new work environment designed to accommodate this ageing workforce was needed. With the involvement and participation of workers, the hospital introduced measures such as ergonomically designed patient transfer chairs to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Mixed-generation cleaning teams and workshops were also part of the wide-ranging measures. University Hospital Vienna is one of the winners of the 15th Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards competition recognising successful prevention and management of MSDs, and this Case Study presents their work.

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