Paramedic Sector Risk Assessment and Root Cause Analysis Project: Report 1: Risk Assessment Findings

Source avec lien : Public Servces Health & Safety Association, 2022-03-31.

L’objectif du projet d’évaluation des risques et d’analyse des causes profondes dans le secteur paramédical est d’aider le secteur à prévenir les blessures et les maladies en identifiant les dangers pour la santé et la sécurité au travail auxquels les travailleurs paramédicaux sont le plus exposés et en élaborant des solutions pour réduire les risques.

The purpose of the Paramedic Risk Assessment and Root Cause Analysis project is to support the sector in preventing injury and illness by identifying the occupational health and safety hazards that paramedics are most exposed to and developing solutions to mitigate risk. The results of the Risk Assessment and Root Cause Analysis will better inform future prevention efforts and programming for the paramedic sector. The Risk Assessment was completed in Fall 2021 utilizing a “by the industry, for the industry” approach, where sector stakeholders came together to identify a comprehensive list of hazards and their associated risks that they perceived paramedics faced in the workplace.

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