Occupational risks for infection with influenza A and B: a national case–control study covering 1 July 2006–31 December 2019

Source avec lien : Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 80(7), 2023-07-01. 10.1136/oemed-2022-108755

Cette étude a cherché à déterminer si les lieux de travail encombrés, le partage des surfaces et l’exposition aux infections étaient des facteurs associés à un test positif pour le virus de la grippe.

This study investigated whether crowded workplaces, sharing surfaces and exposure to infections were factors associated with a positive test for influenza virus. The five occupations with the highest odds as compared with low exposed occupations were: primary care physicians, protective service workers, elementary workers, medical and laboratory technicians, and taxi drivers. Contact with infected patients, low social distance and sharing surfaces are dimensions that increase risk for influenza A and B. Further safety measures are needed to diminish viral transmission in these contexts.

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