Nursing Assistants’ Use of Personal Protective Equipment Regarding Contact With Excreta Contaminated With Antineoplastic Drugs

Source avec lien : Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(6), 2019. 10.1188/19.ONF.689-700

OBJECTIF : examiner la faisabilité d’observer et d’interroger les infirmières auxiliaires sur la manipulation des médicaments antinéoplasiques contaminés par les excréments, l’acceptabilité d’une mesure d’utilisation de l’équipement de protection individuelle (EPI) avec les infirmières auxiliaires, et les prédicteurs de l’utilisation de l’EPI.

PURPOSE: To examine the feasibility of observing and interviewing nursing assistants about handling of antineoplastic drugs contaminated with excreta, acceptability of a measure of personal protective equipment (PPE) use with nursing assistants, and predictors of PPE use. PARTICIPANTS & SETTING: 27 nursing assistants in an inpatient hematology-oncology unit at an academic medical center in the southeastern United States. METHODOLOGIC APPROACH: This was an exploratory, multimethod study using observation, verbally administered questionnaires, and interviews. Research variables included recruitment rates, acceptability of observation, and understandability of a safe-handling instrument. FINDINGS: Observed use of double gloves, chemotherapy gowns, and face shields was low; use of plastic-backed pads when flushing excreta was high. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: Nursing assistants are willing to participate in research. Standardized training and education about PPE use are needed.

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