Source avec lien : Work & Stress, 36(2). 10.1080/02678373.2021.1969477
Si la plupart des recherches sur les brimades au travail se sont concentrées sur les cibles et les conséquences dévastatrices qu’elles subissent du fait de leur exposition à ce comportement négatif, les intimidations ne se produisent pas dans un vide social. Des recherches antérieures ont suggéré que les personnes exposées au harcèlement s’engagent parfois elles-mêmes dans un tel comportement. Dans cet article, nous avons voulu tester la nature réciproque du comportement d’intimidation dans le temps et les modérateurs potentiels de cette relation dans deux études.
While most of the workplace bullying research has focused on targets and the devastating consequences they face from being exposed to such negative behaviour, bullying does not occur in a social vacuum. Previous research has suggested that people who are exposed to bullying sometimes engage in such behaviour themselves. In this paper, we wanted to test the reciprocal nature of bullying behaviour over time and potential moderators of this relationship in two studies. In Study 1, using two-wave full panel data, we test whether bullying exposure predicts bullying enactment and vice versa. In Study 2, using another two-wave dataset, we test whether individual coping styles moderate the relationship between bullying exposure and enactment. The results of the two studies provide support for the reciprocal nature of bullying behaviour and show that employees who tend to cope actively and instrumentally with being exposed to bullying have a higher chance of engaging in bullying. The reverse holds for people who tend to cope by disengaging and talking to others. This study has important implications for both the bullying literature and for practitioners working on bullying prevention and resolution.