Source avec lien : Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2021-01-01.
L’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) après les heures de travail peut potentiellement nuire au bien-être des employés. Dans la présente étude, nous examinons si le détachement psychologique joue un rôle médiateur dans le lien entre l’utilisation des TIC après les heures de travail et la fatigue, et si l’engagement affectif exacerbe cette relation.
Purpose Work-related use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) after hours can be potentially detrimental to employee well-being. In the current study, we examine whether psychological detachment mediates the link between work-related use of ICTs after hours and fatigue and whether affective commitment exacerbates this mediated relationship. Design/methodology/approach We collected two waves of data from 295 employees in Vietnam, with 51% being female and an average age of 37.81 years old (SD = 7.93). Findings Work-related use of ICTs after hours was positively related to employees’ fatigue via psychological detachment. The negative relationship between work-related use of ICTs after hours and psychological detachment was stronger for employees with higher affective commitment. Practical implications Organizations are encouraged to set policies and procedures to reduce work-related use of ICTs after hours to protect employee health; when work-related use of ICTs after hours is necessary, organizations should provide employees, especially those with higher affective commitment, with resources and strategies to better detach from this experience. Originality/value Our findings contribute to the understanding of how work-related use of ICTs after hours might adversely affect employee well-being through psychological detachment and that more committed employees can be more affected in this process.