The third version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire

Source avec lien : Safety and Health at Work, (Prépublication), 11/6/2019. 10.1016/

Une nouvelle troisième version du Questionnaire psychosocial de Copenhague (COPSOQ) a été élaborée en réponse aux tendances de la vie professionnelle, aux concepts théoriques et aux expériences internationales. Un élément clé du COPSOQ III est un ensemble défini d’éléments de base obligatoires à inclure dans les versions nationales courtes, moyennes et longues du questionnaire. L’objectif du présent document est de présenter et de tester la fiabilité de la nouvelle version intermédiaire internationale du COPSOQ III.

Introduction A new third version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) has been developed in response to trends in working life, theoretical concepts and international experience. A key component of the COPSOQ III is a defined set of mandatory core items to be included in national short, middle and long versions of the questionnaire. The aim of the present paper is to present and test the reliability of the new international middle version of COPSOQ III. Methods The questionnaire was tested among 23,361 employees during 2016-2017 in Canada, Spain, France, Germany, Sweden and Turkey. A total of 26 dimensions (measured through scales or single items) of the middle, and two from the long version were tested. Psychometric properties of the dimensions were assessed regarding reliability (Cronbach’s α), ceiling and floor effects (fractions with extreme answers) and distinctiveness (correlations with other dimensions). Results Most international middle dimensions had satisfactory reliability in most countries, though some ceiling and floor effects were present. Dimensions with missing values were rare. Most dimensions had low to medium intercorrelations. Conclusions COPSOQ III offers reliable and distinct measures of a wide range of psychosocial dimensions of modern working life in different countries; although a few measures could be improved. Future testing should focus on validation of the COPSOQ items and dimensions using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Such investigations would enhance the basis for recommendations using COPSOQ III.

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