The Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being

Source avec lien : Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General, 2022.

Le site présente chacun de cinq éléments essentiels, les besoins humains sur lesquels ils reposent, les composants clés pour une intervention en milieu de travail, et offre une page de références vers des informations et ressources.

Centered on the worker’s voice and equity, these Five Essentials support workplaces as engines of well-being. Each essential is grounded in two human needs, shared across industries and roles. Creating a plan to enact these practices can help strengthen the essentials of workplace well-being. Use this website to explore the framework, finding an overview of each essential, the human needs on which it rests, key components for intervention, and a link to further information and resources.

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