The effects of patient transfer devices on the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs): a systematic review

Source avec lien : International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, (ja). 10.1080/10803548.2022.2055908

Cette étude visait à évaluer l’efficacité des dispositifs d’assistance au transfert des patients dans la réduction du risque de troubles musculo-squelettiques (TMS) liés au travail chez les infirmières.

Aim This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of patient transfer assistive devices in reducing the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) among nurses.Review Method PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched to identify studies with a quantitative assessment of the efficacy of patient transfer assistive devices on the incidence and injury claims of WMSDs as compared to the manual lifting of patients. A health impact analysis of the pre-post intervention of assistive device implementation was performed. The percentage of the reduction of forces, incidence of WMSDs, number of missed workdays, and injury compensation claims were calculated, pooled, and presented as boxplots.Results A total of 25 studies met the inclusion criteria. The best post-intervention outcomes of assistive devices deployment in the health care setting included a reduction in the WMSDs incidence by 59.8%, missed workdays by 90.0%, and workers’ compensation claims by 95.0%. Additionally, hand force declined by 71% (p < 0.05) and 70% (p < 0.05) with the use of air-assisted devices and ceiling lifts respectively.Conclusions Overall, the evidence suggests that patient transfer assistive devices, notably ceiling lifts and air-assisted devices, are effective in reducing the risk of WMSDs among nurses. Consultez la page de l’article

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