Successfully managing challenging patient encounters

Par une mise en situation, cet article détaille les composants d’un incident d’agressivité verbale de la part d’une patiente et propose des stratégies pour rétablir une interaction calme et collaborative.

What role do we play in mitigating or exacerbating difficult situations?

Challenging patient encounters take a toll on everyone. Healthcare workers have reported incerased rates of burnout and fatigue with continued exposure to « challenging » encounters… In this article, we’ll identify the components of challenging patient encounters and discuss management tools to maximize clinical experiences and outcomes for both patients and ourselves.
BREITEN, Kaitlyn, CONDIE, Eleanor, VAILLANCOURT, Sarah, WALKER, Jean et MOORE, Ginny, 2018. Successfully managing challenging patient encounters. American Nurse Today [en ligne]. octobre 2018. Vol. 13, n° 10, pp. 6‑9.

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