Physiological and neuromotor changes induced by two different stand-walk-sit work rotations

Source avec lien : Ergonomics, (Prépublication), 2019/10/09. 10.1080/00140139.2019.1677949

Le potentiel des postures rotatives pour atténuer les effets des postures debout et assise prolongées a été préconisé pour atténuer l’accumulation de fatigue musculaire, considérée comme un précurseur des troubles musculo-squelettiques. Nous voulions évaluer les effets de deux rotations de posture, soit debout, marchant et assis, sur les mesures physiologiques et neuromotrices.

The potential of rotating postures to alleviate the effects of prolonged standing and sitting postures has been advocated to attenuate the accumulation of muscle fatigue, considered a precursor to musculoskeletal disorders. We aimed to evaluate the effects of two posture rotations, both including standing, walking, sitting, on physiological and neuromotor measures. Twenty-two participants followed two posture rotations, with different rest-break distributions, for 5.25 h. Lower-leg muscle twitch force, volume, force control and discomfort perception were evaluated during and after work exposure on two non-consecutive days. Significant changes in all measures indicate a detrimental effect in lower-leg long-lasting muscle fatigue, oedema, performance and discomfort after 5 h for both exposures. However, for both exposures recovery was significant 1 h and 15 h post-workday. Differences between the two rotation schedules were not significant. Hence, stand-walk-sit posture rotation promotes recovery of the tested measures and is likely to better prevent muscle fatigue accumulation. Practitioner summary: Lower-leg muscle twitch force, volume, force control, and discomfort were quantified during and after 5 h of stand-walk-sit work rotations with two different rest-break distributions. Measures revealed similar significant effects of work exposures regardless of rotation; which did not persist post-work. This beneficial recovery contrasts with the standing only situations. Abbreviations: MSDs: musculoskeletal disorders; MTF: muscle twitch force; RMSE: root mean square error; MVC: maximum voluntary contraction; M: mean; SE: standard error

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