Influence of Face Masks on Physiological and Subjective Response during 130 Min of Simulated Light and Medium Physical Manual Work—An Explorative Study

Source avec lien : Healthcare, 11(9). 10.3390/healthcare11091308

L’influence du port d’un masque médical (MedMask) et d’un masque filtrant de classe II (FFP2) sur les résultats physiologiques et subjectifs au cours de 130 minutes de travail manuel a fait l’objet d’une étude exploratoire.

Undesirable side effects from wearing face masks during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continue to be discussed and pose a challenge to occupational health and safety when recommending safe application. Only few studies examined the effects of continuously wearing a face mask for more than one hour. Therefore, the influence of wearing a medical mask (MedMask) and a filtering facepiece class II respirator (FFP2) on the physiological and subjective outcomes in the course of 130 min of manual work was exploratively investigated.

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