Infection prevention and control initiatives to prevent healthcare-associated transmission of SARS-CoV-2, East Africa

Source avec lien : Emerging Infectious Disease journal, 28(13).

Nous présentons une vue d’ensemble des stratégies clés utilisées pour renforcer la prévention des infections dans ces pays (Tanzanie, Éthiopie, Kenya et Ouganda) et les enseignements tirés de la mise en œuvre.

The coronavirus disease pandemic has highlighted the need to establish and maintain strong infection prevention and control (IPC) practices, not only to prevent healthcare-associated transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to healthcare workers and patients but also to prevent disruptions of essential healthcare services. In East Africa, where basic IPC capacity in healthcare facilities is limited, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supported rapid IPC capacity building in healthcare facilities in 4 target countries: Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. CDC supported IPC capacity-building initiatives at the healthcare facility and national levels according to each country’s specific needs, priorities, available resources, and existing IPC capacity and systems. In addition, CDC established a multicountry learning network to strengthen hospital level IPC, with an emphasis on peer-to-peer learning. We present an overview of the key strategies used to strengthen IPC in these countries and lessons learned from implementation.

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