Healthcare worker choice and low back force between self-chosen and highest bed height when boosting a patient up in bed

Source avec lien : Ergonomics, (En ligne). 10.1080/00140139.2022.2034985

Les travailleurs de la santé ont un taux élevé de lésions lombaires dues aux tâches de manipulation des patients. Ces travailleurs reçoivent des formations sur les méthodes de manipulation des patients, comme le réglage de la hauteur du lit, mais les ignorent souvent. Dans cette étude, 35 travailleurs de la santé ont effectué des poussées de patients à une hauteur de lit choisie par eux-mêmes, puis à nouveau avec le lit dans une position standardisée plus élevée. Des données de capture de mouvement et de force ont été collectées pour analyse.

Healthcare workers have a high rate of low back injury due to patient handling tasks. These workers receive training in patient handling methods such as adjusting bed height, but often ignore them. In this study, 35 healthcare workers completed patient boosts at a self-chosen bed height and again with the bed in a higher standardised position. Motion capture and force data were collected for analysis. Given the choice, less than half of participants adjusted the bed at all and none of them moved the bed to the highest position (99.1 cm). The self-chosen bed position yielded significantly higher low back force than the higher position at L4-L5 and L5-S1 (p = 0.02, p = 0.01 respectively). Low back forces can be reduced by raising the bed prior to engaging in patient handling tasks, which is a simple step that can reduce forces placed on healthcare workers’ low backs. Practitioner summary: Healthcare workers experience high rates of low back pain secondary to patient handling tasks. In this cross-sectional crossover study, healthcare workers consistently chose a low bed height when boosting a patient, which resulted in higher low back loads compared to the highest bed height.

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