Forces required in repositioning a patient in bed using regular sheet and slide film

Source avec lien : International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 90. 10.1016/j.ergon.2022.103302

Le repositionnement des patients au lit (boosting) est une tâche quotidienne courante du personnel de santé. L’objectif était de mesurer la charge physique des infirmières dans une situation de manipulation de patients où un patient en décubitus dorsal est repositionné vers la tête du lit.

Repositioning patients in bed (boosting) is a common daily task of health care workers. Our aim was to measure the physical load on nurses in a patient handling situation where a supine patient is repositioned toward the head of the bed. The study was conducted in a laboratory setting. Assistive devices used in boosting were a cotton draw sheet on top of a fitted draw sheet in bed (regular sheet) and a cotton draw sheet on top of a slide film, which was in double sheet condition. Ground reaction forces (GRF) and perceived physical load (Borg CR10 scale) were measured in two experienced nurses who repositioned two voluntary test persons weighing 90 kg and 125 kg. The boosting tasks (n = 16) were performed on both sides of the bed and measured in both nurses. The lowest rate of perceived exertion and the lowest requirement of force were measured when the slide film was used. Difference between peak and baseline of resultant ground reaction force was used to describe the force needed in boosting. The peak force needed in boosting was on average 38.1% less with slide film compared to regular sheet, and the impulse of force was on average 40.6% less. Friction-reducing assistive devices can decrease the force needed in boosting heavy patients. The results of our study can be used in workplace training programs aiming to enhance ergonomics and reduce the physical load of nurses and caregivers who perform boosting tasks many times a day in their work.

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