Development and Validation of the Competency Evaluation Model for Hospital Infection Prevention and Control Practitioners in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Mixed Methods Study

Source avec lien : Journal of Hospital Infection, (Prépublication). 10.1016/j.jhin.2021.08.028

Cette étude a été entreprise afin de déterminer les compétences des praticiens en matière de prévention et de contrôle des infections hospitalières qui sont importantes pour le développement de leurs compétences.

Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, the management of hospital infection became even more crucial. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a competency model for the healthcare practitioners to adhere to combating public health emergencies. Aim This study was undertaken to determine the practitioners’ competence in the hospital infection prevention and control measures that are significant for their competence development. Method Based on the literature review, the key informant interviews, the Delphi method, and the questionnaire survey, a theoretical framework was developed. These items were evaluated based on the response rate, maximum score, minimum score, and mean score. Factor analyses, both exploratory and confirmatory, were used to determine the structure of the competence model. Results The effective response rate on the questionnaires was 88.29%, and Cronbach’s α-coefficient of the scale was 0.964. Factor analysis revealed a KMO of 0.945. The Bartlett’s test gave an χ2 of 10523.439 (df = 435; p < 0.001). After exploratory factor analysis, the 5-factor model was retained, 4 items were deleted, and a 5-dimensional, 26-item scale was obtained. The new structure's confirmatory factor analysis revealed a high goodness of fit (CFI = 0.921; TLI = 0.911; SRMR = 0.053; and RMSEA = 0.044). Conclusion The proposed scale is a useful tool to assess the competence of hospital infection prevention and control practitioners, which can help hospitals to improve their work of infection prevention and control. Lisez l’article

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