Source avec lien : American Journal of Infection Control, Prépublication. 10.1016/j.ajic.2022.07.021
L’objectif de cette étude est d’adapter un questionnaire existant sur la protection faciale et de l’utiliser pour développer une compréhension initiale des facteurs influençant l’adhésion des prestataires de soins à domicile à la protection faciale pendant la pandémie de COVID-19.
Background Appropriate and consistent facial protective equipment (FPE) use is critical for preventing respiratory illness transmission. Little is known about FPE adherence by home care providers. The purpose of this study is to adapt an existing facial protection questionnaire and use it to develop an initial understanding of factors influencing home care providers’ adherence to FPE during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A survey was shared with home care providers during Wave 2 of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression by FPE adherence were conducted across individual, organizational, and environmental factors. Results Of the 199 respondents (140 personal support workers; 59 nurses), 71% reported that they always used FPE as required, with greater adherence to masks (89%) than eye protection (73%). The always-adherent reported greater perceived FPE efficacy, knowledge of recommended use and perceived occupational risk, lower education, and not experiencing personal barriers (including difficulty seeing, discomfort, communication challenges). Discussion Adherence rates were relatively high. In this context, with participants reporting high levels of organizational support, individual-level factors were the significant predictors of adherence. Conclusions Initiatives addressing perceived FPE efficacy, knowledge of recommended use, perception of at-work risk, and personal barriers to use may improve FPE adherence.