Barriers and facilitators for the safe handling of antineoplastic drugs

Source avec lien : Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, . 10.1177/10781552211040176

Les médicaments antinéoplasiques sont largement utilisés dans le traitement du cancer. Cependant, certains d’entre eux sont des cancérigènes et des agents toxiques pour la reproduction connus, et l’exposition accidentelle de faible niveau des travailleurs est un problème de santé. CAREX Canada a estimé qu’environ 75 000 Canadiens sont exposés à des médicaments antinéoplasiques en milieu de travail. Bien qu’il existe des politiques et des lignes directrices sur la manipulation sécuritaire des médicaments antinéoplasiques, les preuves suggèrent que la conformité est faible. Dans cet article, nous identifions les obstacles et les facilitateurs de la manipulation sécuritaire des médicaments antinéoplasiques en milieu de travail.

Introduction Antineoplastic drugs are widely used in the treatment of cancer. However, some are known carcinogens and reproductive toxins, and incidental low-level exposure to workers is a health concern. CAREX Canada estimated that approximately 75,000 Canadians are exposed to antineoplastic drugs in workplace settings. While policies and guidelines on safe handling of antineoplastic drugs are available, evidence suggests that compliance is low. In this paper, we identify barriers and facilitators for safe handling of antineoplastic drugs in workplace settings. Methods We utilized a unique method to study public policy which involved compiling policy levers, developing a logic model, conducting a literature review, and contextualizing data through a deliberative process with stakeholders to explore in-depth contextual factors and experiences for the safe handling of antineoplastic drugs. Results The most common barriers identified in the literature were: poor training (46%), poor safety culture (41%), and inconsistent policies (36%). The most common facilitators were: adequate safety training (41%), leadership support (23%), and consistent policies (21%). Several of these factors are intertwined and while this means one barrier can cause other barriers, it also allows healthcare employers to mitigate these barriers by implementing small but meaningful changes in the workplace. Conclusion The combination of barriers and facilitators identified in our review highlight the importance of creating work environments where safety is a priority for the safe handling of antineoplastic drugs. The results of this study will assist policy makers and managers in identifying gaps and enhancing strategies that reduce occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs.

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