Application of MSD prevention practices by nursing staff working in healthcare settings

Source avec lien : International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 77, 5/1/2020. 10.1016/j.ergon.2020.102959

L’objectif de cet article est d’examiner l’application des pratiques de prévention des TMS chez le personnel infirmier et d’identifier les facteurs organisationnels qui peuvent ou non soutenir leur application. Nous avons mesuré l’application des pratiques de prévention et ses déterminants au moyen d’un questionnaire rempli par 399 infirmières et membres du personnel infirmier au Canada. Un volet qualitatif a été réalisé avec deux groupes de discussion afin de valider et d’enrichir l’interprétation des résultats de l’enquête.

Objective The objective of this article is to examine the application of MSD prevention practices among nursing staff and to identify organizational factors that may or may not support their application. Methods We measured the application of prevention practices and its determinants by means of a questionnaire filled out by 399 nurses and nursing staff in Canada. A qualitative component was conducted with two focus groups in order to validate and enrich the interpretation of the survey results. Results Results show that most respondents “often” (4) apply MSD prevention practices in their daily professional tasks. Significant differences were observed based on position, mission of the institution, degree, and training. Conclusions The characteristics of the nursing staff (position, training, etc.) and the specificities of the setting must be taken into consideration in MSD prevention interventions for nursing staff.

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