Dementia-friendly care homes: Best practices in dementia care

Source avec lien : BC Care Providers Association; Alzheimer Society British Columbia; Simon Fraser University, .

Ce rapport se concentre sur deux domaines dans lesquels les maisons de soins peuvent devenir encore plus adaptées à la démence : l’environnement physique des établissements de soins et l’éducation, la formation, la dotation en personnel et les pratiques de soins. Le rapport dresse un large inventaire des initiatives, grandes et petites, qui peuvent être mises en œuvre dans les maisons de soins pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes atteintes de démence.

What can be done to provide a care home environment that is safe, accessible and comfortable for adults living with dementia? This report aims to answer this critical question for a healthcare sector seeking new ways to respond to Canada’s aging demographic, and addressing high levels of dementia in long-term care. It focuses on two areas whereby care homes can become even more dementia-friendly: in the care setting’s physical environment, and in the education, training, staffing, and care practices. The report provides a broad inventory of large and small initiatives that can be implemented in care homes to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia. This report is an important resource for long-term care providers, decision-makers, researchers, persons living with dementia and their care partners to develop dementia-friendly care homes in Canada,” says Dr. Habib Chaudhury, Chair and Professor, SFU’s Department of Gerontology. “The review of the existing policies and recommendations in various provincial and national jurisdictions highlight the feasibility of interventions in daily practices, as well as key areas for broad policy-level impact.”

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