A Mini-Symposium on Cumulative Risk Assessment in the Occupational Setting

Source avec lien : NIEMEIER, Todd, LENTZ, TJ et LESHNER, Molly, « A Mini-Symposium on Cumulative Risk Assessment in the Occupational Setting », NIOSH Science Blog, 2018.

Identifier et évaluer les effets combinés de multiples expositions, connu sous le nom d’évaluation du risque cumulatif (ARC), est difficile. Découvrez comment le NIOSH et d’autres font face à ce problème sur le blog scientifique du NIOSH.

Many of us in the occupational safety and health field have likely faced an issue similar to this: The workers in my plant are exposed to both noise and solvents. I’ve read that both of these exposures can interact to cause hearing loss. How should I control these exposures to reduce the risk of occupational hearing loss? If I control each of the exposures to their relevant occupational exposure limits, is that good enough? Or should I control these exposures to levels below their occupational exposure limits? If so, by how much?

Identifying and evaluating the combined effects of multiple exposures, known as cumulative risk assessment (CRA), is a tricky challenge. Read how NIOSH and others are addressing this issue on the NIOSH Science Blog.

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