Strong visual literacy skills can improve hazard identification

Source avec lien : Canadian Occupational Safety, 4/10/2019.

De solides compétences en littératie visuelle peuvent améliorer l’identification des dangers. En apprenant à examiner la situation sous d’autres angles et à en avoir un point de vue global, les employés voient mieux les dangers qu’ils ne verraient pas autrement au quotidien.

A concept widely used in the art world has a place in safety. “It’s really about learning to see… It’s about what you see, what it means and then what you do,” says Doug Pontsler, a former vice-president of EHS at Owens Corning. “A huge portion of what we do from a safety standpoint is exactly that: It’s being able to see what’s in front of us, being able to interpret what that means from a safety perspective and take the appropriate actions.”

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