Transforming Safety at the Bedside with Safe Patient Handling Practice

Source avec lien : International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility (SPHM), 12(1).

Les troubles musculo-squelettiques liés au travail constituent une préoccupation majeure en matière de sécurité dans le domaine actuel des soins de santé, en raison du soulèvement de patients présentant des niveaux d’acuité plus élevés et de l’obésité. Un centre de traumatologie de niveau I dans l’ouest de l’État de New York a mis en œuvre un programme de manutention sécurisée des patients dans l’ensemble du continuum de soins afin de réduire les blessures des travailleurs de la santé.

Safe work practices are important to reduce the risk of injury while performing patient handling tasks. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are a major safety concern in the current health care arena due to the lifting of patients with higher acuity levels and obesity. A level I trauma center in Western New York implemented a safe patient handling program throughout the continuum of care to decrease healthcare worker injuries. The program was fully developed over 3 years beginning in 2016. There was a large focus on involving frontline staff in the decision-making for equipment choices and training via a strong safe patient handling committee, trial of products, and vendor fair. Importance was placed on the advice from key players of already successful programs as well. A pre-/post-evaluation of the effectiveness of the program demonstrated that the institution appreciated a 50% decrease in worker’s compensation claims, a 79% reduction in associated costs, a 73% reduction in lost workdays, and an 83% reduction in restricted workdays pertaining to patient handling injuries.

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