Practical Strategies and Tools for Use by Occupational and Environmental Medicine Departments During COVID-19 Pandemic Surges

Source avec lien : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(1). 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002390

Les services de médecine du travail et de l’environnement (MTE) des établissements de santé peuvent être rapidement débordés lorsque les taux d’infection au COVID-19 augmentent rapidement et simultanément au sein du personnel et des patients desservis. Notre objectif est de présenter une trousse à outils détaillée d’approches pratiques à l’usage des spécialistes de première ligne de la médecine du travail et de l’environnement, afin d’aborder les tâches de gestion du personnel pendant les pandémies.

Objectives:  Occupational and environmental medicine (OEM) departments in healthcare institutions can be quickly overwhelmed when COVID-19 infection rates rapidly and simultaneously increase in the workforce and the patients served. Our goal is to present a detailed toolkit of practical approaches for use by front-line OEM specialists to address workforce management tasks during pandemic surges. Methods:  Specific focus is on tasks related to employee symptom triage, exposure risk assessment, workplace contact tracing, and work restrictions. Results:  Tools include strategies used by customer call centers, two decision support algorithms (exposure due to cohabitation or non-cohabitation), a color-coded employee case tracking tool, a contact tracing protocol, and documentation templates that serve as memory aids for encounters. Conclusions:  These tools are created with commonly used software. Implementation is feasible in most front-line OEM settings, including those with limited resources.

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