Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, a tri-sector exploration : summary report

Source avec lien : Health and safety executive, Oct-18.

Les secteurs de la santé, de la construction, du transport et entreposage ont des taux beaucoup plus élevés de TMS que les autres secteurs. Cette étude qualitative y explore les connaissances des employeurs et travailleurs sur les TMS et la réglementation; les attitudes, perceptions des employeurs; leurs approches en prévention et gestion et les facteurs qui limitent leur engagement; les parcours des travailleurs pour gérer les problèmes de santé liés aux TMS; les besoins des deux côtés et les pratiques actuelles en milieu de travail, le tout pour inspirer des améliorations en matière de prévention et de gestion des TMS.

High rates of WRMSD-related sick leave put pressure on employers and businesses, hitting their bottom lines and potentially leading to understaffing, reduced productivity and lower staff morale. Directly affected workers not only suffer pain but also consequences that can be felt across their working, home and social lives. The construction, healthcare and transportation and storage industries were selected as the focus of this research because they have significantly higher rates of WRMSDs compared with the average rate for all industry. Qualitative research was commissioned to: – Explore what employers and workers knew about WRMSDs and regulation. – Explore employers’ attitudes and perceptions of WRMSDs, their approaches to prevention and management and what was limiting engagement with health and safety issues. – Explore the journeys of workers and how they have managed health challenges in relation to WRMSDs. – Uncover the needs of ‘both sides’ to highlight barriers and opportunities regarding future intervention, communication and campaign strategies. – Understand current workplace practice and inspire improvements in WRMSD prevention and management.

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