A Prospective, Observational Study of a Novel Lift-Compatible Safe Patient Handling Support Surface in the Intensive Care Unit

Source avec lien : International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility (SPHM), 12(2).

L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’une nouvelle surface d’appui compatible avec les lève-personnes pour la manipulation et la mobilité sécurisées des patients (LC-SPHM-SS) sur la sécurité des patients et des soignants.

Although largely preventable through evidence-based practice, pressure injuries and musculoskeletal injuries remain 2 of the most common and costly preventable harms in healthcare. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a novel lift-compatible safe patient handling and mobility support surface (LC-SPHM-SS) on patient and caregiver safety. This multi-site pilot study was completed in the intensive care units of 3 US hospitals. A standardized data collection form was used. Participants assessed 20 separate data points during safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM) activities. Aggregate data was analyzed. Seventy-seven multi-disciplinary participants performed turning, horizontal and vertical shifts, which involve moving the patient up in bed, and lateral and vertical transfers with no to light effort. Most SPHM tasks were accomplished with 1-2 caregivers. Participants rated the device favorably for 7 caregiver-centric and 3 patient-centric features. Participants rated the device as excellent or good for 6 product-focused features. Eight SPHM devices were replaced by the hybrid LC-SPHM-SS. No sacral or ischial pressure injuries developed.

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