Using the health care physical environment to prevent and control infection

Source avec lien : Martin, D. (2018). Using the health care physical environment to prevent and control infection. (S.l.) : American Society for Healthcare Engineering.

L’environnement de soins de santé joue un rôle central dans le contrôle et la prévention des infections. Un nouveau livre créé dans le cadre d’une subvention des Centres de contrôle et de prévention des maladies (CDC) décrit les moyens par lesquels les organisations de soins de santé peuvent utiliser l’environnement physique pour réduire les infections associées aux soins de santé.

The health care environment plays a central role in infection control and prevention. A new book created as part of a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines ways that health care organizations can use the physical environment to reduce health care-associated infections.

Using the Health Care Physical Environment to Prevent and Control Infection: A Best Practice Guide to Help Health Care Organizations Create Safe, Healing Environments contains best practices, case studies, resources and information based on key research. It can be used by health care facility managers, architects, designers, construction professionals, infection preventionists, and anyone else involved in designing, building, and operating health care facilities.

The main document, available as a free PDF download, contains chapters on six key topics:

Infection Control Risk Assessments
Hand Hygiene Infrastructure
Cleaning of Environmental Surfaces
Water-Related Environmental Infection Control
Flow of Patients, Personnel, Equipment and Waste

Quick guides (1 page) are available for each of the key topics above.

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