An evaluation of a bullying intervention program for registered nurses.

Source avec lien : Keller, R., Allie, T., & Levine, R. (2019). An evaluation of a ‘BE NICE Champion’ program: A bullying intervention program for registered nurses. Journal of Nursing Management, Prépublication.

Cet article explore les expériences, perceptions et attitudes d’infirmières et d’infirmiers ayant complété le programme de formation BE NICE Champion, un programme d’intervention qui fournit des outils pour intervenir en cas d’intimidation. (Article à accès restreint)

Aim To explore the experiences, perceptions, and attitudes of registered nurses (RNs) who completed the BE NICE Champion training program; a home-grown program that provides RNs tools to intervene when bullying is observed; using the “4S’s”: Stand-by, Support, Speak up, and Sequester.

Background The growing body of literature surrounding the negative impact bullying has on individuals and organizations suggests the need to develop more effective prevention and intervention programs.

Method A qualitative focus group approach utilizing a purposive sample of 25 RNs who participated in the training program.

Results Three consistent themes emerged from a content analysis of the transcripts: (a) awareness and understanding, (b) applying the 4S’s, and (c) feeling prepared and empowered. Additional themes included: impact on the work environment and additional program recommendations tailored to nursing leadership.

Implications for Nursing Management Leaders need to demonstrate a commitment to address bullying. Implementing this program can positively impact their environment. Conclusion The program and use of the 4S’s adequately provided RNs with confidence to intervene when bullying was observed. RNs felt better equipped to respond due to the techniques learned and appreciated our organizational commitment to address bullying. Furthermore, the program may be strengthened by incorporating recommendations discussed.

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