Measuring the effects of respiratory protective equipment and other protectors in preventing the scattering of vocalization droplets

Source avec lien : Industrial Health, (Prépublication). 10.2486/indhealth.2022-0180

Cette étude a été menée pour examiner quantitativement les effets de l’équipement de protection respiratoire (respirateurs) et de divers autres types de protecteurs pour empêcher la dispersion des gouttelettes de vocalisation.

This study was conducted to quantitatively examine the effects of respiratory protective equipment (respirators) and various other types of protectors in preventing the scattering of vocalization droplets. Each of 12 adult male volunteers was asked to vocalize intermittently for 1 minute at a target intensity of approximately 100 dBA in an experimental room adjusted to a humidity of approximately 60–70%. The subjects vocalized while wearing respirators, other types of protectors, or no protectors at all. The droplet concentration in a particle size range of 0.3 to 10 μm was measured under each experimental condition, and the transmitted particle concentration and penetration were calculated. The concentration and penetration of particles transmitted from the respirators were lower than those transmitted from the other protectors examined. The probability of infection reduction through the use of the protectors was estimated from the data obtained on the effectiveness of the protectors in preventing the scattering of droplets. We concluded that there is no need for additional droplet scattering prevention in various work settings when appropriate respirators are used under optimal conditions.

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