The Effectiveness of Ergonomics Training Program on Musculoskeletal Disorders, Job Stress, Quality of Work Life and Productivity in Office Workers: A Quasi-Randomized Control Trial Study

Source avec lien : International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics: JOSE, , . 10.1080/10803548.2021.1918930

La prévalence croissante des troubles musculo-squelettiques, notamment au niveau du cou et des membres supérieurs, chez les employés de bureau est un problème important lié à la santé et à la productivité du travail. La présente étude visait à évaluer l’effet d’une intervention de formation en ergonomie sur les troubles musculo-squelettiques, la qualité de vie au travail et le stress psychosocial professionnel chez les employés de bureau

Introduction: The increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, especially in neck and upper limbs, among office workers is an important issue related to health and job productivity. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of ergonomics training intervention on musculoskeletal disorders, quality of work-life and occupational psychosocial stresses among office workers.Methods: This is a quasi-randomized trial study that was conducted in Isfahan, Iran in 2019. Outcome measures were measured in a follow-up period of one, three and six months after the intervention. The results were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance.Results: Interventions were performed had a significant effect on neck, left shoulder, right wrist and left thigh discomforts. These interventions also had a significant effect on social support and physical job demands. Significant changes in quality of work-life, chance of growth and security, social integration in organization and social relevance of work in life, though these changes decreased in quality of work-life. No significant differences were detected in the other measured outcomes.Conclusion: The implementation of ergonomic interventions was effective in reducing musculoskeletal disorders in neck and upper limbs. It is recommended to conduct continuous training courses to control the risk of ergonomic factors affecting body discomforts.

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