Source avec lien : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 19(4), 2022-04-03. 10.1080/15459624.2022.2035741
L’exposition aux sous-produits de désinfection dans l’air, en particulier la trichloramine et le trichlorométhane, peut avoir divers effets néfastes sur la santé des travailleurs et des utilisateurs des piscines intérieures. Cette étude vise à évaluer les variations spatiales et temporelles des concentrations de trichloramine et de trichlorométhane dans et entre les piscines. Des mesures sur le lieu de travail ont été effectuées dans quatre piscines intérieures au Québec (Canada) pendant la saison froide.
Exposure to airborne disinfection by-products, especially trichloramine and trichloromethane, may cause various adverse health effects for the workers and users of indoor swimming pools. This study aims to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations in trichloramine and trichloromethane concentrations within and between swimming pools. Workplace measurements were carried out at four indoor swimming pools in Quebec (Canada) during the cold season. To fully represent daily operating conditions, sampling started 2 hr before the swimming pool opened and continued until 2 hr after closing. To quantify trichloramine and trichloromethane concentrations, 304 air samples have been collected. Temperature, humidity, and CO2 were measured—simultaneously every 2 hr. The results showed that both trichloramine and trichloromethane concentrations varied significantly in time. The observed daily variations in trichloramine and trichloromethane concentrations suggest that the common practice of collecting a single 2-hr air sample does not represent daily pool trichloramine and trichloromethane contamination levels and, consequently, does not represent the true exposure and health risks for workers that are present for a full 8-hr shift. This study recommends a new 8-hr sampling strategy or a full-shift strategy using a cassette with three impregnated filters as a valid and cost-effective solution for comparing time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations to permissible trichloramine exposure limits.